Tales of 20th Century London puts right in front of you 100 years of London history. You can travel back to four different periods of 20th century London and learn how young people lived. Choose a story and discover what it was being a London child in the 20th century The choices you make will shape your life. I'm sure you will love it.
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
Five new cubs of Iberian lynx- the most endangered big cat species in the world - have been recently born in captivity in a breeding centre of Doñana National Park in Andalusia, Spain.
Cuidar nuestro planeta y conservar los ecosistemas es cosa de todos.
Good website with animations and road education! Hector’s Home gives you a very good time with some very spooky short films where Hector moves about the city and learns the most important aspects of road education. You can watch the films and do the activities and games that appear as you move around.
Tower of Hanoi. Children strategy game. The object of this puzzle is to move all the rings to the rod on the far right. The rings must be in the order of largest ring on the bottom and smallest on the top. Click to take a ring, click again to place a ring. Note: A larger ring cannot be placed on a smaller ring. Has de trasladar todas las anillas al palo de la derecha con la condición: no puedes mover nada más que una anilla y sólo las puedes colocar en orden, la mayor abajo la menor arriba.